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Registered Name: Am Can Ch. Clussexx Vitruvian Man DOB: January 25th, 2006
Health Clearances: Baer Hearing Test BR2/53M-VPI, Elbows normal, Heart Certified, PDP1 Non-Carrier
Achievements: American Champion by 9 months old, Canadian Champion by 12 months old, Top Clumber Spaniel in Canada 2007 & 2008, Best Veteran at the 2013 Clumber Spaniel Club of America National Specialty, Regional Specialty and Veteran Sweepstakes for a HAT TRICK!!
Arthur went to the Rainbow bridge in February 2019. We miss him dearly and his legacy lives on in his children, grand children and great grand children. Everything I have achieved as a breeder I owe to many, but Arthur was the beginning of Tricklecreek and I dedicate our success to him, my special boy.
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